BACK TO THE BRICKS® Chrome and Ice™, February 8-10, 2019
General Rules and Regulations
The times for this year’s show are:
Friday, February 8th from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday, February 9th from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Sunday, February 10th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Owners of all cars and trucks are welcome to apply as exhibitors; however, due to high interest and limited space, not all applicants will be selected for the show. If your vehicle is selected to participate in the event, you will be notified, and provided with detailed instructions.
The following rules and conditions apply to all vehicles and vendors participating in 2019 Chrome & Ice™.
All vehicles must be capable of starting, running, and moving under their own power. Valid registration and selection by the committee is mandatory for all exhibits.
Exhibit Space Allocation and Requirements
Exhibit booths must conform in all respects to the dimensions and height requirements specified by the event committee. Exhibits shall be arranged to avoid obstructing the general view, or preventing access to surrounding displays, aisles, emergency exits, and public spaces within the exhibit area. All exhibit spaces will be 11 feet wide, and displays cannot exceed the allotted space.
Move In
Exhibitors will receive detailed information regarding the move-in schedule and process. Your space will be assigned in advance. If you wish to park next to a friend’s vehicle, please indicate that in the comments’ section of the registration form. We cannot guarantee that you will be placed together, but we will do what we can to make that happen. Vehicles will enter the arena as they arrive, and drive to their assigned spot with assistance from our staff. The move-in process may be slower if weather is a factor. If possible, cars should be unloaded from trailers outside, and driven or pushed to their assigned spaces. If necessary, the doors are large enough to accommodate a vehicle and trailer, but this will slow the entire process. If you choose to pull your trailer inside to unload, the trailer must be removed immediately after the vehicle is unloaded. You will be assigned a secure location to park your trailer for the duration of the event. Authorized personnel will be on hand inside the arena to guide exhibitors to their designated spots.
Exhibitors are responsible for any barriers/stanchions they may require. Signs are limited to 40 X 20 inches. Lights, light bars, displays above vehicles, and sound are not permitted. Displays must not include/involve signs, lights, excessive noise, objectionable content, and/or costuming of exhibit personnel that interferes with surrounding displays. Seating within your exhibit space is limited to two chairs, and must be placed behind the vehicles. Coolers, cleaning materials, and other loose items must be kept out of sight during the event. Beverages are allowed in the exhibit area, but no food is permitted. (Food vendors and seating for meal breaks will be available in the hall between the two arenas.) There will also be a hospitality tent set up in Arena 2 for your use.
Property Damage
This is an indoor event, and vehicles will be parked on Astroturf, concrete, or a rubber floor. To protect the floor, owners must bring a drip pan to collect any fluids that might potentially leak. (Owners will be responsible for any damage to the surface under their cars.) Nothing shall be tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to drapes, columns, walls, floors or other parts of the building or furnishings.
All labor for the installation and removal of displays is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Exhibitor understands that if he or she is not able to perform the labor required for their display, they are solely responsible for payment for any labor required to install or remove display.
It is expected that exhibitors will adhere to a reasonable standard of dress (clean and presentable), and conduct. Exhibitors are on display, along with their vehicles. All vehicles and displays must be in good taste. Obscene or suggestive language, graphics, or items will not be permitted. The event committee shall be the sole arbiter of appropriate conduct. An exhibitor determined to be in violation of the rules will be given an opportunity to correct the problem. If the problem is not corrected satisfactorily the offending party will be subject to immediate removal from the show.
Please keep all exhibit/booth areas neat and free of rubbish. Rubbish should be put in appropriate containers or placed in the aisle before leaving each night.
Live Animals
No animals of any kind are permitted with the exception of service animals.
Selling Restrictions, Demonstrations & Merchandise
Sale or distribution of merchandise (pictures, t-shirts, programs, calendars, comic books, patches, emblems, etc.) is restricted to authorized vendors only. Distribution of any printed matter, samples, or other articles are not allowed within the show area or the exhibitor’s assigned space. Exhibitors must honor all building concession rights. No demonstrations or solicitations shall be permitted within the show area or any exhibitor’s assigned space. Engines will not be allowed to start at any time except during move in and move out. No spinning of tires is allowed at any time. The event committee has the final authority.
Sub-Contracting Space
Absolutely no sub-contracting of exhibit space is permitted.
Show Hours
Exhibitors will be allowed into the building one hour prior to opening each day. Always check with the event committee as the scheduled start times may differ on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Show management provides 24-hour surveillance of the premises; however, all exhibitors shall be solely responsible for their own property. It is highly recommended that all products not secured be removed when the display is not occupied. Back to the Bricks™ disclaims any and all responsibility for any casualty loss sustained by any exhibitor as a direct or proximate result of any act or commission by a third party.
The top twenty-five vehicles will receive a Chrome and Ice™ Commemorative Jacket valued at $250.00. Winners will be determined based on votes of the spectators in attendance at the event and final determination by the voting committee. (Five votes per adult ticket holder for their favorite vehicles. You cannot vote for the same vehicle more than once.)
Move-out will begin only after the shows advertised end time, and after trophy presentation has been completed on Sunday. Absolutely no teardown or vehicle removal will be permitted prior to the conclusion of the event. Vehicles may be pushed or driven out of the arena only after the aisles are cleared of spectators. Do not move your vehicle until you are instructed to do so by the staff. Trailers can be pulled into the arena one at a time in order based on the line-up outside the arena. Designated personnel will be on hand to provide oversight and direction during the removal process. All exhibitors must follow their instructions.
All exhibitors/vehicles must clear the building no later than Sunday at 9:00 pm, unless a weather emergency makes that impossible.
Exhibitors assume all responsibilities for compliance with all pertinent ordinances, regulations, and codes of duty, authorized local, state and federal governing bodies concerning fire, safety, health, together with the rules and regulations of the operators and owners of the property wherein the show is held.
Neither Back to the Bricks® nor its divisions, partners, affiliates, their officers, agents, volunteers, families, and other representatives shall be held liable for, and the same are hereby released from accountability for any damages, loss, harm, or injury to the person(s), or property of the applicant, or any of the officers, agents, volunteers, families, and other representatives, resulting from theft, fire, water, accident, or any other cause.
By submitting an application to participate, you agree to accept the rules and regulations, and abide by them.