Become a Volunteer
The Back to the Bricks® Organization offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity for volunteers – an opportunity to share your love of cars and history with people from all over the nation. As a non-profit, we rely on a lot of great volunteers who want to serve the community. When you volunteer to serve on a committee, or working at events, you’ll spend your time helping to educate and celebrate the history and heritage of the automotive industry.
With over 32 days of events each year, our volunteers with the Back to the Bricks® Organization help to fulfill our mission by assisting with these fun and rewarding tasks such as:
- Serving on a committee
- Working in a leadership role at an event
- Working to bring events to various cities while on the Promo Tour, or at Tune-Up parties.
- Working check in at the Information Booth
- Participating in the planning of our Road Rally events
- Being apart of the Set Up and Tear Down Team
- Trash is a BIG Job at our events and it takes a village of volunteers to take this on
- Serving as greater, bag filler or coat check at or during Chrome & Ice
- Stuffing Bags throughout the year for various events
- Helping to market Back to the Bricks by working other events with our team
- Helping wherever needed throughout the year
There’s really a LOT we use our volunteers for, and even MORE to come in 2024.

Interested in Volunteering?
If you are interested in volunteering for 2024, please click the link below and fill out the application online.
Step 1: Fill out the General Volunteer Application online
If you are interested in volunteering to work at any Back to the Bricks® Event for 2024, click the link below and fill out the application.
Step 2: All prospects will be contacted about volunteering by a leader from the Back to the Bricks® Organization.
Step 3: Complete Onboarding session
- Review of the Volunteer Policy and Procedure Manual
- Sign Receipt of Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure Form
- Diversity and inclusion training will be provided
- Proof of valid driver’s license
- Volunteer shirts will be issued/ordered.
Step 4: Sign up for various events to work at
- You will be contacted to work before each event.
- You do NOT have to work every event, you can pick and choose what you want to work