13th Annual Promo Tour
June 9th - 14th, 2023
Founders Promo Tour
The 13th Annual Founders Promo Tour took place June 9-14, 2023. The tour traveled from Flint Michigan on Friday June 9th to Adrian Michigan for the first car show of the tour, then to Auburn Indiana for two nights, then off to South Bend Indiana, and wrapped it up in Battle Creek Michigan for one night of FUN.
All participants had the opportunity to visit the Gilmore Car Museum on Wednesday before they traveled home wrapping up their Founders experience. Year to year, Back to the Bricks continues to see a healthy increase of first timers signing up for the Tour and this year was no exception with 63 new participants.

Check out the Cities, click the photos and see the Fun!
Al & Deb Jones
Amber & Peyton Taylor
Bob Ayre
Bob & Linda Moore
Bobby Jones
Cliff & June Olson
Craig & Madeline Palmer
Dave & Pam Stilber
Jim McKeny
John & Terry Brancheau
Kevin & Annette Murphy
Larry Konya
Pete Cimbala
Ralph Messer
Stan Cohoon
Theresa Brown
Tom Dahlem