AUGUST 7-12, 2023
Back to the Bricks Welcomes NEW Tune Up Week Sponsor Huntington Bank.
Excitement builds as Tune-Up Parties are officially planned and will take place over the course of a week around the county.
Attractions and activities will vary by location, but include concessions, Official Back to the Bricks Merchandise, vendors, DJ Scott Kool, live music, dancing in the streets and giveaways, including 250 collectors T-shirts, at each location with brand new designs unique to that community.Â
This is your chance to get your vehicle out, enjoy the amazing local restaurants, shops, and new faces, as we visit six communities during Tune Up Week 2023. August 7th – 12th.Â

We are moving forward with a QR Code register to win the FREE T-Shirts. So don’t forget to
register and show up to check in at the Information booth at each location. The shirts given
away will be through registration which can be found on our website or Facebook. Please do not
block roads and parking lots or show up hours before the events!
Monday, August 7th, we will be in Davison at The HUB. Come out and enjoy a DJ from 4:00-
8:00 PM, and a 50/50 drawing for charity. Shirts will be given out under the Huntington Bank
tent. Parking starts at 3pm. No Staging 8428 Davison Rd, Davison, MI 48423
Tuesday, August 8th, the fun will be at Flushing A and City Park, with a DJ from 4:00-8:00PM,
and a 50/50 drawing for charity. There are many shops within a block or two. Shirts will be given
out under the Huntington Bank tent. Parking starts at 3pm. No Staging 200 S. Cherry Street
Flushing MI 48433
Wednesday, August 9th, we will be in Linden. DJ from 4:00-8:00PM, and a 50/50 drawing for
charity. Public parking at Hyatt Elementary school. Enjoy food from food trucks, Kona Ice, and
the Linden Hotel. Shirts will be given out under the Huntington Bank tent. Staging at Linden
Elementary 400 S Bridge St, Linden, MI 48451
Thursday, August 10th, we will be in Downtown Fenton from 4:00-8:00PM. Fenton’s Back to the
Bricks Tune Up Event is better than ever, with so many things to do in downtown that night.
While you are there, enjoy the local restaurants and shops, musical sounds by DJ Kool,
Vendors, Farmers market and more! Shirts will be given out under the Huntington Bank tent.
Staging at AGS Middle School 3255 Donaldson Dr, Fenton, MI 48430
Friday, August 11th, we will be in Birch Run for the first time during Tune Up week at the Birch
Run Speedway. There will be a 50/50 drawing for charity. Park on the Track and enjoy the
concessions and a DJ from 4:00-8:00PM. Shirts will be given out under the Huntington Bank
tent. 10945 Dixie Hwy, Birch Run, MI 48415
Saturday, August 12th, we will be in Mt. Morris from 3:00-10:00. The first 100 cars receive dash
plates. There will be a DJ from 3:00-6:00 PM and a live band from 6:00-10:00 PM. Enjoy food
trucks, and more, and a 50/50 drawing for charity. Over 20 awards will be given at 6:45 so be
sure to register by 4:00. Shirts will be given out under the Huntington Bank tent.
Polish up those classic cars and let the fun begin!!!!!!!! John Vance to play and rock the night away!
Here's where we are going in 2023

Downtown Fenton

Birch Run
Birch Run Speedway

LAST Tune Up Mt. Morris
Here's what to expect at all shows!
- DJ Scott Kuhl each night, (John Vance Band on Saturday Night)
- Lots of Shops and Restaurants within the towns
- 250 Collectors Shirts will be given out at the Huntington Bank Booth via QR Code Text.
- Food Trucks
- 50/50 Drawing for Charity
- Official Back to the Bricks® Merchandise
- Dancing
- Cars, Cars and more Cars!
Photo Credit to Dennis Freeman Photography