Drivers will begin arriving before dawn in the staging area on Fifth Avenue at Saginaw at our partner UofM’s While Building Parking lot to secure a spot for the SATURDAY SHOW. They will be able to park, grab some goodies from our partner and sponsor Coffee Beanery, use the facilities provided, and or sleep until the 6 am movement. A big thank you to our overnight Team for all they do to ensure the safety and security of our excited participants.

The OPENING CEREMONY at 10:00 AM will be a featured presentation of the colors, patriotic music, a salute to our veterans and active duty personnel, and a military fly-over. This event is special because it’s our time to pay special tribute to all our veterans. This year thanks to our Veterans Shirt Sponsor Huntington Bank we will be giving away 144 limited edition Veteran’s T-Shirts. Sizes are limited, no holds, Veteran must pick up from the table following the Opening Ceremony. Must show some form of a card, hat, etc. to receive a shirt.

Downtown Flint Main Event Map

Thousands of the finest classic and custom vehicles, hotrods, and dream cars line the streets of downtown Flint.
The Main display area, also known as the Flat Lot has something for everyone. Beginning with the opening ceremony, you will want to be there to experience the excitement, see the Feature Cars, Drag City, check out the automotive vendors, and taste the delicious food that is synonymous with Back to the Bricks ®, one of the best Classic Car Events in the Nation.
This year we are delighted to welcome the DONKMASTER himself, Sage Thomas, to the Main Display Area. Throughout the South, “In & Out Customs” owner Sage Thomas, aka, The Donkmaster, is known as the king of big-wheel racing. Born in Savannah, Georgia, and now based in Charleston, South Carolina, Thomas built his first Donk at 16 and dove headlong into the racing scene. Now he’s formed the National Donk Racing Association (NDRA), the first professional sanctioning body dedicated to Donk and big-wheel drags, which are exploding in popularity. His many fans follow him on Donkmaster TV, on YouTube, and @1_Donkmaster on Instagram. Visit his setup, meet him, and see some of his craftsmanship.
During the Main Event on Saturday, there will be a Swap Meet on the corner of Court and Saginaw Streets, and alongside this will be the Vintage Camper Display.
Show Times & Activities
8:00 am-5:00 pm
Meet the DONKMASTER, YouTube, and TV star Sage Thomas with the UM-Flint College of Technology display.
Automotive vendor displays on Central Flat Lot, Food vendors in Flat Lot, and Saginaw St. at McFarlan Park.
The featured display on the Flat Lot is GTO’s from 1964 and on.
Cackle Fest on Flat Lot (Starting Engines) 11 am, 1 pm, & 3 pm
Buicks on the Bricks Party on Water Street at the Durant-Dort Carriage Building, everyone invited.
Corvette Reunion on ML King & Saginaw St. from 5th Ave.
Swap Meet to be in the parking lot off Saginaw & Court St.
Classic Car Sales Lot to be in the parking lot off Saginaw & Court St. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Vintage Campers on Court Street.
Come and Meet SHOWTIME the BIG Monster Truck on the Flat Lot
Deps & Dogs with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Dept 10am – 2pm
Buicks on the Bricks
Vintage Buicks converged on Factory One, the birthplace of General Motors, our Presenting Sponsor. 303 W Water Street Flint. Click HERE to visit their site for more details.

Corvette Reunion

There will be a Corvette Reunion near the Durant Hotel, Celebrity Guests local from right here in Genesee County, and more. Click HERE to learn more.
We want to thank our community Partners for helping us to put on a FREE, SAFE-Family event for all.
All First Responders
Burton DDA
City of Burton
City of Flint
City of Grand Blanc
Flint DDA
Flint Fire Department
Flint Police Department
Genesee County Road Commission
Grand Blanc Chamber of Commerce
Grand Blanc Township
Michigan State Police