Welcome to Garage Talk with Executive Director Amber Taylor
Hey everyone!
“Garage Talks” are a place where I can share all the stories I collect as well as the photos I take of car owners, their garages or barns, and showcase this amazing car community. Some of my stories get featured in the Back to the Bricks Magazine, or online, but they often get edited down for space, so I am happy to share them all here.
What I have learned over the last 4+ years is that Car Owners LOVE to tell their story. How they came to own it, build it, drive it, etc. My daughter Peyton and I love to hear these stories. The newest stories will always be at the TOP!
If you have a story, contact me! I would LOVE to interview you and feature you here.
Contact me at [email protected] and let’s schedule Garage Talk with YOU!

Bernie Blain
In the middle of Michigan, on a dead-end dirt road, there’s a garage just big enough to fit a single car in it. There’s a treasure trove of old car parts lining the walls, sitting on benches, and many are tucked away in the rafters. Bernie Blain, the man who built it, can still be found tinkering around the house, in his small garage, or in the other much larger garage that he built on the property, which is just as over-stuffed with cars, snowmobiles, and parts to all kinds of things. He is responsible for getting all three of his kids: Conrad, Cassie, and Kaleigh, all ten of his grandkids, and countless students in his automotive classes at a high school career tech center, all hooked on classic cars, or really anything that runs.
Thirty-five years ago, Bernie worked full-time as a mechanic, he was going to college, and raising three kids with his high school sweetheart, Brenda. He spent his “spare time” fixing vehicles for friends, family, and neighbors in that little garage. Most days Brenda would be out there right beside him and the three kids would often play on the “old junk cars” next to the garage while “helping.”
Mr. Blain graduated from Ferris State University in 1994 at the top of his class as an automotive instructor. His enthusiasm for classic cars was passed on to Conrad, Cassie, and Kaleigh from an early age. Each of them claimed one of the “old junk cars” to rebuild as their first car, which was to be completed by their senior year of high school. They worked together as a family to rebuild each car. Each of the kids had to have a job to help pay for parts and had to help do the actual work on the cars. The oldest, Conrad, picked a 1970 Pontiac Firebird. Cassie picked a 1967 Pontiac LeMans, and Kaleigh picked a 1984 Chevrolet Monte Carlo.
The story behind Cassie’s ‘67 LeMans has become a local favorite. While playing on the “old junk cars” Conrad told her the Firebird was his. She stood in the shell of the LeMans– no glass, no interior, no front end, and no drive train– while proudly holding the steering wheel and proclaimed it as hers, the way only a 2-year-old can. Over the years their whole family would go to car shows for fun and to draw inspiration. Bernie would point out what each of the cars would look like when completed.
Oh, the lessons learned along the way, the kind that can only come from family projects and vintage cars. Bernie learned to give a little more direction than just saying “If we’re gonna paint that, you’re gonna need to sand the whole thing down.” Seven-year-old Cassie soon learned that she wasn’t supposed to use the 80-grit sandpaper left over from the Christmas gifts they made that year and take it down to the bare metal.
Each of the cars took a lot of work. They each were at different stages, but all involved many busted knuckles, late nights, hot summer days, all the savings from the kids’ first jobs, car parts as gifts for every occasion, blood, sweat, tears, and occasional teenage fits (ok, there were more of those than this writer cares to admit). Also needed was a spare car, cutting, welding, bodywork, learning to sand the right way, and painting. The LeMans required an additional $50 for a 301 Pontiac engine, and skipping school once to get the wiring finished. The years of treasure hunting put a tiny dent in Mr. Blain’s trove of spare parts, but they had Bernie’s favorite car, the 1967 LeMans that he had wrecked years before Cassie was born, all ready to drive for her first homecoming dance at age 16. They very literally put the finishing touches on it together, just hours before she put on her dress and got her hair done for the dance.
Cassie proudly drove the LeMans to school and work every day except in the winter. When she turned 19, she moved to Wyoming for work. Bernie’s advice to her made little sense when he said “Don’t blow all your money on old junk cars out there.” Just 2 weeks later, she bought a ‘69 Catalina and drove it all the way home to Michigan, planning to put the engine from it into the LeMans. Instead, Bernie and Cassie ended up painting the Catalina, too!
Fast forward 5 years down the road, and Bernie and Cassie decided to rebuild a 389 for the LeMans. Of course, like any good car project, one thing led to another. Cassie found herself sanding down the whole car to repaint it again. In the process, the best thing to ever happen in her life came along—she had a little girl of her own–Carissa. Pregnancy and being a new Mom slowed down the progress a bit, but not for long.
Carissa has been attending car shows and hanging out in the garage since she was born. Her car seat fit perfectly in the backseat of the Catalina, and Cassie would use a baby carrier to carry her around at shows. She would come play on the old cars at Grandpa and Grandma Blain’s house and help sand, too. But this time around, Cassie had learned to give Carissa a sponge with a scrubby instead of the 80-grit sandpaper. By the time Carissa was 6, she was helping right along with repainting the LeMans and putting the freshly rebuilt engine in. The LeMans has been completed for 5 years now. These days, Carissa helps with washing and maintaining both the LeMans and the Catalina. Her favorite is the Catalina, and she has already claimed it as her own. She even helped to bleed the new master cylinder and install it on the Catalina. When they stop for gas, Carissa, now 12, fills it up and answers everyone’s questions about the year, make, and model, just like an old pro. She enjoys going to car shows often.
At a recent car show, Cassie and Carissa got to meet Jesse, one of Mr. Blain’s first-year automotive students. He was there showing an 80’s square-body truck that he had recently finished rebuilding. He was excited to see Mr. Blain and shared a funny story. Jesse told them that he had gotten kicked out of school for a couple of weeks the year that he was in Mr. Blain’s class! But Jesse enjoyed the auto class with Mr. Blain so much that he would sneak onto the career tech bus so he could go to auto class!
This past May, Cassie put on a car and snowmobile show to benefit a local soup kitchen. The whole family got involved. Bernie, Brenda, all three of their kids, and all ten grandkids were there. Carissa helped to create the show and even sang the National Anthem to kick things off. It won’t be long before she will get to drive one of the Pontiacs to car shows and her first dance, too. Hopefully, at one of those shows, all three generations will be able to drive a classic there, but for now, Cassie is enjoying chauffeuring Carissa around to see Grandma and Grandpa at the car shows!
Ryan O'Neal
The full story…
A condensed version of this story is featured in this years’ 2023 BttB Collectors magazine, as you know space is always limited. But here’s the FULL story, and it’s one we all can enjoy.
It may sound crazy to some, but Ryan O’Neal believes he bought this car from a Fortune Teller’s husband, late at night, in the middle of February, during a snowstorm. That’s his story and he’s stickin’ to it!
Ryan had sold his 1973 Charger that he and his father had restored together, a few years prior so that Ryan and his wife could start a family. After a few years, Ryan started looking for another project and a Mustang that needed some work popped up. What started out as an interior spruce up and engine rebuild turned into a 10 year, every weekend, full restoration project in their two-bay garage.
Living its entire life in northwest Indiana took its toll on the Mustang, and over 70% of the metal needed to be replaced. Ryan built a jig under the front end and cut one side off at a time, working his way to the cowl, firewall, floors, inner wheel wells, rockers, full rear quarters, rear frame rails, and trunk floor. There isn’t a piece of metal on this car that Ryan didn’t replace or correct by himself. Throughout the process, his daughter (3yrs old when the project began) would trace her hand on the sheet metal, and date and sign it. Her handprints from all the different years are under the cowl, on the insides of both rear quarter panels, on the seat platform, and on the oil pan.
Ryan was fortunate enough to keep the original engine and drivetrain, glass, instruments, various interior parts, and other core items of the car. While it took what seemed like an eternity, Ryan knew every nook and cranny of this car as he rebuilt and restored it. Almost everything was done in Ryan’s family garage.
The car was finished in April, 2022, and she gave the family 800+ worry free miles. Ryan and his daughter have attended multiple car shows and they enjoy local, weekly cruise-in’s as a family. Ryan’s favorite memory was picking up his daughter from her last day of school in the Mustang.
Ryan’s family is building new memories every time they turn the key and head down the road. Seeing his daughter smile in the backseat, shouting, “WOO HOO,” when he gets a little spirited at a green light makes every day that he spent in that garage grinding, welding, and cutting worth it.
Their first long trip in the car was on the 2023 Founders Promo Tour! More stories and memories were made on that trip.
The entire build is here https://www.vintage-mustang.com/threads/project-tetanus-my-66-coupe-restoration.904817/
John Abee
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. John Abee formally at his house, an undisclosed location on July 18th. My amazing friend Arron Swett, fellow car junkie and enthusiast had been telling me about his “Barn” and how I needed to come and see what it was all about.
Peyton and I arrived and let me just say… WOW. This is far more than a barn. It is a museum filled with amazing collectables, cars, gas pumps and more. John was VERY approachable, super nice to Peyton and me, we felt very welcome. When we entered the first part of the barn, it looked more like a normal workspace. Car lift, posters around, license plates hung, car parts everywhere, the sort of man barn you would expect. But then… he opened the first set of doors, something like out of the Wizard of Oz, the garage style doors were vertical, not on a track. They hung upright and were framed like doors. Super cool to see.
We walked into the next space and there was this over the top custom Ledsled. It was bright yellow, named Thumper and it was beautiful. John customized every square inch of this car. The front headlights were totally unique, the antennas were buried into the passenger side of the car, the custom grill was pretty interesting. He mentioned all sorts of names I actually recognized like John Olay. Everyone helped him with this car, even if it was just telling him ideas to make it cool.
To the right of the yellow Ledsled was more cars! They are being worked on, or have plans to be worked on, but right behind it was this stunning gasser. It’s a 1955 Gasser that most will recognize because he still races it TODAY! Actually, Arron Swett is the driver, but it is at Lapeer Dragway often. This car is over the top, right down to the mini replica of it in a matchbox car in plastic case. The paintjob, the engine, this is ONE LOUD puppy! It’s his favorite car he has ever owned. You can tell he has a lot of pride in it. We talked about it for a long time.
If this part of the tour was over, I would have been amazed for sure. But NO, there is more… we walked through another door, this time a regular entry door and what do I see??? A crazy over the top mini museum. Lights everywhere, signs, gas pumps, collectables, a Phone booth, a Fire Pole that was out in front of the Durant back in the heyday, cars, cars and more cars! Seeing the Gas Pumps all lit up was a site to be seen. They are gorgeous, have such unique looks to them, names I have never seen. The neon signs on the wall were super cool.
John walked through the cars, letting me know how he acquired them, where he drove them, and the ones he never drove. Like the yellow Corvette with 15,000 miles. He bought it, drove it home and there it sits. He does love them all. We stopped in the collectibles section. He recalls how he acquired each and every single item there. Cars in cases, old Bird houses, cool bottles, cologne bottles, he has a lot there and it’s all VERY special to him. My favorite item, the peddle cars. SO COOL! And maybe the waiter that is about 5’6” tall, standing there waiting to serve you. He is pretty cool too.
We walked outside and I was able to see the old burnout pad he had, and the stories he told about the “Parties” he had there. I sure wish I were around then. Looking high up, I see an old Sunoco and Amoco sign, standing proud. They have a story to tell, I am sure.
I asked John a few questions, like what was your first car? He said his first car was a 1955 Chevy he paid $398.00 in total for it. He started wrenching on it and knew it was love at first sight. I asked him how far he traveled for a show. He once traveled to Louisville Kentucky to a Carl Casper show. He actually placed in the show receiving a win in the elite category for “Best In Engineering.” Nowadays he will drive up to the local car shows and attend Back to the Bricks. That night he was taking the Yellow Ledsled out for the first time in a long time, and he went to Big Boy in Clio. I know everyone was excited to see him.
John worked hard for over 30 years owning a salvage yard. It’s what made things easy for him working on cars. He mentioned it was a great business to be in, especially if you liked working on building hot rods and fast cars.
I very much enjoyed my time with John. Peyton LOVED everything there and even talked about us doing up our barn better to have the same look and feel. I said, “Okay kid when you get a job and help momma pay for the cool things, we will do it.”
Thank you to Arron Swett for organizing this visit, I am ready for the next time to come out and hear more stories from John. John Abee, a great man with a lot to say… you just gotta ask him.